Monday, December 27, 2010

Truly Blessed?

Remember back in August when I started this thing how I said that I wasn't sure why I was doing this? Remember how I said I would probably not be a good blogger? I hold fast to those statements. It has been a little over four months since my last post. That doesn't surprise me. I should have told you all that when I am in school, I kind of  get sidetracked. I get sidetracked a lot and my blog has definitely been something that I have neglected. Take heart, one of my new year resolutions is to be a better blogger! 

Now on to much more important things. In case you all haven't noticed, it's the holiday season, or it was. In these past few days people have been filled with Christmas cheer. On Christmas day, my Facebook newsfeed was flooded with my friends statuses celebrating the holiday and saying how truly blessed they are. In the moment, I echoed these thoughts and feelings of being blessed. Yet, now the more that I think about it, the more I question my own reasons for thinking/saying that I am blessed. Why do I think I'm blessed? Is it because of all the great gifts I got for Christmas? Is it because of all the awesome friends and family that I have? Is it because of my health? My family's wealth? Is it because of all the snow that South Carolina received this weekend? 

We as human-beings tend to think that the things that we have make us blessed. I asked myself this question: Would I continue to feel blessed if all of these "things" that I have all went away? What would I think if I didn't get anything for Christmas? What if I had no family or friends? What if I had cancer? Or I was homeless? I came to the conclusion that, yes I would still be blessed but not because of anything I have or because of who I am. It goes much deeper than all of that. 

None of the things mentioned above can, by themselves, make me blessed. I can't be blessed by anything I have or anything that I do. What really makes me blessed is the relationship I have with my Savior. I'm blessed because the Lord chose to bless me through the crucifixion of His son Jesus. I'm blessed because my sins are forgiven. I deserved hell, but because of what someone else has done for me I get to go to Heaven. That is what makes me and every other Christ follower truly blessed. 

Now I want to clarify something. I'm not saying that God cannot use these things to bless us. I would be a fool to think that I am not blessed by the relationships I have with other people. Yet the moment I begin to think that my friends by themselves are a blessing to my life, that's where I've gone wrong. I have to realize that what the Lord has chosen to bless me with is solely from Him and no one else. He should get all the glory for what I have been blessed with. Even if I was poor and sick I would still be blessed because I know my Savior and He has redeemed me. 

Why are you blessed? Is it because of what you have or who you know? Or is it because of who has saved you? My prayer for you is that you feel blessed because God has truly blessed you, not because of some possession you have. Job 1:21 says "God gives, God takes, God's name be ever blessed." I pray that no matter what your situation, that you know that being blessed comes from the Almighty God who chose to save us. 

Happy New Year, 

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Yesterday, my mom and I went to see the movie "Eat, Pray, Love", starring Julia Roberts. While I thought the movie was great, it made me a little depressed. Julia Roberts' character, Liz, gives up her job, her husband and pretty much her whole life so she can go "find herself." She travels to Italy, India and Bali and lives in each country for an extended period of time. At each destination, Liz makes a new revelation either about herself, or life in general. I won't spoil the movie for those of you who want to see it, and have not yet had the chance to, but I will say this. No matter where Liz went, and no matter what she did, she was NEVER satisfied. She always wanted something more, or something different. 

This is where things got depressing for me, well at least for a little while. I was sad that someone who had such a rich life could be so unhappy, and she was mostly unhappy with herself. Then it hit me, while this character Liz was searching for herself, she also was searching for God (she did a lot of praying, meditation and things of that sort in order to connect with God), but kept missing the mark. That's where her dissatisfaction came from. While I was still sad for this woman, (the movie is based off of an actual person who took this adventure, so it definitely makes things more real) I understood why she did all she did and why she felt so much disappointment. 

There was a time in my life when I thought if things didn't go a certain way, i.e. the way I wanted them to go, then my life would mean nothing. If I didn't go to my top choice law school, if I didn't get my dream job, if I didn't have a boyfriend, or I just wasn't "successful", then I thought my life would be a complete failure. Early on in my relationship with Jesus it terrified me to think that God's plans for my life may be different than my own. I, just like Liz, was searching for something different, something more or something better. 

I have a few friends who are like Liz (and me a few years ago!). They are always in search of something. Whether it be a man, or making "A"s or that perfect career, I have friends that are never satisfied with the life they have been given. While it saddens me that they are looking to fill a whole with all the wrong puzzle pieces, it also makes me extremely thankful. Right now, in my life, I am utterly and completely satisfied. By no means is everything perfect, but I have joy and that's all that matters. I am satisfied in all that the Lord has given me and the opportunities He has given me to serve His kingdom. Sure there are some things I still want. I still want to go to law school, and I still want to live in Washington, DC and sure a boyfriend would be great too. But if none of that happened, I would still be satisfied because I have Jesus Christ. He is all I really have and everything else is kind of like an added bonus. 

So, if you think your life is lacking, I pray that you find satisfaction in the only thing that can truly fulfill you. I pray that the Lord can fulfill you and that He gives you joy. Romans 12:2 says "Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve of God's will, His good, pleasing and perfect will." That verse has never made more sense to me than it does now. We will never be satisfied with what this world has to offer to us, but with God, we can be transformed, and we can be satisfied with what He has in store for us. 


Friday, August 27, 2010

First Time for Last Chances

The best thing about being a senior in college: last chances. This whole week has been full of last chances. Sunday I went to USC's Bid Day festivities for all of the sororities on campus. I had never been, and it was quite the experience. The only event that can even come close to comparison is the running of the bulls in Spain. I am being completely serious when I say that. Every gamecock should experience the madness of Bid Day at least once, I promise it's worthwhile! I also ate some chicken fingers on Russell House's famous chicken finger Wednesday for the first time ever. I was a vegetarian for almost all of my three previous years in school, and by default, I always missed out. Let me tell you, they were definitely all that people had cracked them up to be!

The reason for me taking part in both of these events is simple. I don't have "next year" to do them. I only have this year, my senior year, the last year I will be a student at the University of South Carolina. It's now or never. I don't have the ability to just miss out because there's always next year. There is no next year for me, it's this year or not at all. So I plan to take advantage of my senior year and do all the things that I have been putting off since freshman, sophomore and junior year.

We have to take advantage of the time that we are given. If we don't, it will be gone all too soon. Then what are we left with? Psalm 90 says "Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." I hope that all of us can number our days, and live like it's senior year every year, no matter what the case. That's the only way to live. Go after your dreams. Conquer your fears. Tell your best friend who isn't a Christian about Jesus. Tell those who you're close with how much you care for them. Do all the things you've wanted to do, but haven't been able to because something has always held you back. Just do it (thanks Nike). You won't regret it.

That's how I'm spending this year, doing all the things I haven't done yet, and leaving (or walking across the stage to get my diploma!) without any regrets.

Until next time,

Friday, August 20, 2010

Be Still

This past week = craziness. I moved into my new apartment Sunday morning, and really haven't stopped "moving" since. I've had meetings, training sessions, more meetings and reunions with friends. While these past fews days have been an exciting start to a wonderful senior year, they also have been exhausting.

The first Campus Crusade for Christ (a campus ministry that I love and am heavily involved in) weekly meeting was tonight. Tons of people were there, and I must admit, I was not exactly looking forward to be surrounded by hundreds of people when I haven't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep last night and the night before last. This all changed when the praise band started playing. It was like the chaos that ensued this week just melted away. It was so refreshing to just be. I was able to take some time and praise God for being awesome and thank Him for another year of being able to serve Him at school.

This whole week I have stressing about how much I have to do this semester. I will be the first to admit I am an overachiever; I like to do well. I like to succeed and am very determined. I voluntarily put a lot on my plate. I've come to find out over the past year or so that's not what life's about. Someone once told me that we're not human doings, we're human beings. God doesn't want us to do anything but love Him and everyone, including myself can find peace and rest in Him.

One of my all time favorite Bible verses is Psalm 46:10, the whole Psalm  is great, but verse 10 is just phenomenal. It says, "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the Nations, I will be exalted among the Earth." I encourage all of you doers, overachievers, worriers, type-A personalities and just busy people to be still. You don't have to do anything. Just rest. I plan to do that, or at least try to do that this semester. If you think about it, our very best efforts aren't good enough sometimes (or ever). I fail, and I fail a lot, we all do. So be thankful that God will be exalted, not because of anything that you or I do, but just because He's God and He's awesome. He's in control and all we have to do is acknowledge that.

So here's to a start of a brand new semester and a brand new school year. I hope we can all be still, at least once in awhile and just enjoy life.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Here goes nothing....

Over the past few weeks, I've had this desire to start a blog. Not sure why, because I do believe I am not the best person to do this kind of stuff. My thoughts are sporadic, and sometimes I make no sense whenever I'm trying to make a point. Yet, here I am. I have a few friends that blog, and do quite a fantastic job at it too. Maybe one day, I can be like them, but I know that day is not now, so bare with me!

I'm taking this desire, and putting it into action. I will admit, I really have no Earthly idea what I am getting myself into, but half the fun in any journey is finding out, in time, where the road will take you. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. I just have my opinion, and that's what I'm here to share. I guess I should share a little bit about myself to give you a sense of how my opinion is formed.

Here are some bullet points:

  • I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and everything I do is out of the love I have discovered through my Savior.
  • I am a senior at the University of South Carolina, and was born and raised a gamecock. 
  • I grew up in a small town called Winnsboro, South Carolina. It's the epitome of a southern town.
  • I went to the same school from ages 5 to 18. My graduating class had 30 people in it.
  • While my school was small, I have a huge extended family. I am 1 of 35 grandchildren on my father's side and I have more cousins than I could even count. 
  • I love politics more than most. I interned in DC last summer for a SC Congressman (John Spratt, SC-5), and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life. 
  • I spent six weeks of this summer in Lebanon, and I absolutely love the Middle East. I can't wait to go back, inshallah! 
  • I'm taking a year (maybe two) off after I graduate, and then hopefully heading to law school. 
  • I have a beagle-jack russell terrier mix named Sugar; she turns 11 in October, and I love her to peices. 
  • I have a twin brother named Tommy, but we are NOTHING a like. One may not guess that we are even related. I'm older by two minutes (score!). I also have an older brother named Justin. 
  • I've been reading a lot lately, who knows if that will keep up when classes start back, but I certainly have enjoyed it this summer. I read Crazy Love (Chan), The Pursuit of God (Tozer), Mere Christianity (Lewis), Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (Piper), and Have a Little Faith (Albom). All are fantastic, so check them out! 
  • I'm a reality TV show addict, and no, I'm not ashamed of that fact.
  • I remember random things that have no significance that most people wouldn't even bother committing to memory. 
  • I love old movies. My favorite movie of all time is "It's a Wonderful Life." I watch it every Christmas and always cry at the end. 
  • I love getting to know people. 
  • I love all sports but football and baseball take priority!
  • Deep spiritual conversations are my favorite.
If you're still reading after all of that, I applaud you and appreciate you.  I look forward to seeing what comes of this blog. Hopefully, you do too. Thanks for reading. 

Until next time, 