I'm taking this desire, and putting it into action. I will admit, I really have no Earthly idea what I am getting myself into, but half the fun in any journey is finding out, in time, where the road will take you. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. I just have my opinion, and that's what I'm here to share. I guess I should share a little bit about myself to give you a sense of how my opinion is formed.
Here are some bullet points:
- I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and everything I do is out of the love I have discovered through my Savior.
- I am a senior at the University of South Carolina, and was born and raised a gamecock.
- I grew up in a small town called Winnsboro, South Carolina. It's the epitome of a southern town.
- I went to the same school from ages 5 to 18. My graduating class had 30 people in it.
- While my school was small, I have a huge extended family. I am 1 of 35 grandchildren on my father's side and I have more cousins than I could even count.
- I love politics more than most. I interned in DC last summer for a SC Congressman (John Spratt, SC-5), and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.
- I spent six weeks of this summer in Lebanon, and I absolutely love the Middle East. I can't wait to go back, inshallah!
- I'm taking a year (maybe two) off after I graduate, and then hopefully heading to law school.
- I have a beagle-jack russell terrier mix named Sugar; she turns 11 in October, and I love her to peices.
- I have a twin brother named Tommy, but we are NOTHING a like. One may not guess that we are even related. I'm older by two minutes (score!). I also have an older brother named Justin.
- I've been reading a lot lately, who knows if that will keep up when classes start back, but I certainly have enjoyed it this summer. I read Crazy Love (Chan), The Pursuit of God (Tozer), Mere Christianity (Lewis), Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (Piper), and Have a Little Faith (Albom). All are fantastic, so check them out!
- I'm a reality TV show addict, and no, I'm not ashamed of that fact.
- I remember random things that have no significance that most people wouldn't even bother committing to memory.
- I love old movies. My favorite movie of all time is "It's a Wonderful Life." I watch it every Christmas and always cry at the end.
- I love getting to know people.
- I love all sports but football and baseball take priority!
- Deep spiritual conversations are my favorite.
If you're still reading after all of that, I applaud you and appreciate you. I look forward to seeing what comes of this blog. Hopefully, you do too. Thanks for reading.
Until next time,
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